The purpose of this blog is to highlight the suffering that lockdowns and excessive restrictions are causing individuals and families throughout Britain and Ireland. If you have lost your livelihood, are suffering with your mental health, or are facing a delay in receiving other vital health treatment then this blog can host your story. In what ever way lockdown may be impacting your life then I would like to hear from you. (See below for contact details)
There isn't enough focus in the mainstream media on the individual costs of lockdowns and excessive restrictions and the suffering and devastation it is bringing or will bring to people's lives. All of which will become more pronounced when government supports are cut back and furloughed staff are let go when inevitably more businesses go to the wall.
Too many people, including much of the legacy media, seem to blindly accept that the UK and Irish governments are acting in the best interests of public health by imposing the life destroying advice of the so called experts in the UK's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies or the National Public Health Emergency Team in the Republic of Ireland. Are the government, the media and the masses not aware of the thousands of scientists and medical practitioners around the globe who signed the Barrington declaration and who have pointed out that lockdowns cause far more suffering for far more people than Covid ever will?
Why are our governments and many of our people accepting the freedom destroying diktats of a tiny number of scientists/medical practitioners and ignoring thousands of others? If as an individual you were diagnosed with an illness and the Doctor prescribed you a drug that he told you would lead to very serious side effects that would be actually worse than the illness and wouldn't even cure it, you'd almost definitely decline the medicine. At the very least you'd seek a second opinion or get a new Doctor entirely. As a society shouldn't we be doing the same?
You can email your story to
Please limit your story to a maximum of 1200 words. If you want to remain anonymous that's fine but please include what town/city and region of Britain or Ireland in which you are resident. I will do my best to respond to every email. However, it will depend on the volume I receive. I endeavour to publish as many stories as I can and while I appreciate and respect people sharing their stories it may not be possible to publish every submission.
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